Meet our crew

We are dedicated to helping you

My name is Derrick Williams and I am retired military. 

Firstly, I do not believe in cookie cutter or one size fits all solutions. I will listen to you and your management team to develop an outsourced HR program that works for you. I approach the strategic problem and provide a workable solution. When approaching problems I apply the credo of Plan, Act, Check and Do. In order for this to work correctly, I gather the available data to define a problem establish what is relevant and irrelevant, make a plan based on that reality. As the plan is in motion, I monitor for efficiency and implement new measures if necessary. 

I have over 16 years of experience working in Human Resources. As an HR consultant, I have worked with a variety of companies to drive down the cost of doing business by identifying what their primary cost drivers are and finding ways to minimize and mitigate. I have developed a comprehensive training program for management at all levels to be clear, concise and consistent.  

© 2019 New Order Consulting Group, LLC. Fort Worth, TX. 76053 
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